Haghorst Solar PV Plant
How sustainable is solar energy? An LCA of Solar Farm Haghorst (42 MWp) shows how CO₂ emissions from production and construction are offset, and how solar energy contributes to the sustainability of the Netherlands.
Scope 1-2-3 Sioux
In partnership with Sioux Technologies, Dispersed conducted a comprehensive Scope 1-2-3 carbon footprint analysis to provide insight into Sioux’s greenhouse gas emissions and support their preparations for the CSRD legislation.
LCA Royal van Beest
For van Beest B.V., we performed an LCA on their Greenpin, a product commonly used in heavy industrial sectors such as marine, offshore, transportation, and construction. The results provide valuable insights for van Beest.
LCA Geothermal Power
The Koekoekspolder horticultural area in Overijssel is powered by sustainable geothermal heat. Dispersed examined the life-cycle impacts of the geothermal power plant, comparing it to heat from natural gas.
Dispersed and Reusemate bring CO₂ tracking to demolition projects, empowering contractors to reduce environmental impact and lead the way in sustainable construction.
LCA VodafoneZiggo
Telecom giant VodafoneZiggo engaged our LCA expertise for their key B2B products. We mapped impacts, identified reduction opportunities, and laid a foundation for improved supply-chain cooperation.
GroenLeven Solarcarport
GroenLeven's solar carport represents a fusion of functionality and sustainable energy generation. We calculated the climate impacts, and determined the "carbon-return-on-investment".
LCA Vomar
In the world of retail, sustainability is a growing concern. Using a quick-scan LCA, Dispersed has offered a streamlined yet comprehensive assessment of environmental impacts of a supermarket renovation.
Dutch Environmental Database
Environmentally conscious building is becoming increasingly important. But how do we know what the most sustainable choices are? On behalf of the National Environmental Database, we provided a number of category 3 product cards with a new LCA.
Scope 1-2-3 Modern Dental
Modern Dental is a renowned manufacturer of quality dental prosthetics. We conducted an in-depth Scope 3 assessment, into the environmental impacts of their product distribution network, identifying key areas for improvement.
LCA Sloopcheck
Sloopcheck provides used wood products with a second life. Through our LCA, Sloopcheck can confidently communicate the sustainability of its products, accelerating its contribution to the circular economy.
A waste-to-energy plant processes non-recyclable waste through incineration. Energy is recovered in the form of electricity and steam. Using an LCA, Dispersed identified the environmental benefits and burdens of waste incineration.
CTOUCH touchscreens
The electronics industry is characterized by complex international supply chains. Our LCA experts identified the full life cycle impacts of CTOUCH touchscreens. Based on this, we devised a comprehensive CO2 reduction strategy.
Circ BioTransformer
What if waste is actually not waste at all? The Circ bio-digester transforms vegetable, fruit and food waste (GFE) into sustainable BioGas and BioWater. We're researching how big the positive impact compared to conventional processing methods is.
Future Proof Shipping
Maritime transport accounts for 3% of global emissions. Future Proof Shipping develops sustainable inland shipping vessels based on hydrogen fuel cells. We mapped CO2 emissions and identified the most sustainable options.
LCA Cowless
Cowless produces plant-based milk as a sustainable alternative to dairy. Through their inclusive transition model, they collaborate with the dairy industry to enable future-proof farming.
LCA Sustainable Coffee Cups
Inspired by changing regulations, Arcadis wants to offer only the most sustainable coffee cups in its offices. Arcadis commissioned a study by Dispersed on the environmental impact of three alternatives to disposable cups.
CTOUCH Sustainability Strategy
By means of tailor-made advice, we have worked out a structured mission and vision together with CTOUCH.
In cooperation with the Technical University of Eindhoven, we developed an advisory report for ProRail on the recycling of railway ballast.
Hidden supply-chain emissions are often a result of our dependence on fossil fuels. Dispersed collaborates with Enerzien to offer insight into the impacts of energy consumption, and to provide concrete solutions for the decarbonization of the energy mix.
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