Circ BioTransformer On behalf of Circ B.V., we are preparing an LCA for the Circ Biotransformer - a plant that functions as a high-tech stomach and fully exploits the value of food waste by converting it into usable BioGas and valuable BioWater. With this LCA, we will map the environmental impacts for processing GFE with this Biotransformer. This will give Circ a clear picture of the environmental impacts of the BioTransformers, and allow them to inform their customers even better.
Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) We perform the LCA for Circ according to the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) method. The PEF is a harmonised environmental footprint method developed by the European Commission to measure and share the environmental performance of products. Besides the PEF, there is also the so-called Organisation Environmental Footprint (OEF), suitable for assessing the environmental performance of organisations. The two methods are interlinked and have many elements in common.
Comparing with alternative processing scenarios The Circ BioTransformers offer a high-tech, sustainable and local solution for processing GFE. By using a BioTransformer, food waste does not need to be disposed of to a large-scale processor, but can be processed locally and used to produce sustainable gas. To be really sure that this is the most sustainable alternative, we also carry out a scenario analysis comparing processing GFE in the Circ BioTransformer with processing GFE in three commonly used alternative processing scenarios. This way, we paint a clear and fair picture for Circ and their customers!
IMVO grant This project is partly funded from MVO Netherlands' IMVO voucher subsidy scheme. A great scheme that enables start-ups and companies with international chains to work on making their international supply chain more sustainable.